So there I was... I was cruising a background-check forum for a publisher that I submitted to back in the first part of March. I was concerned, because the auto-response I received said to check back after four weeks if you haven't heard anything.
Ok. YAY. A brief save. I sent the information and went about my business. I had to pick up some stuff on the other side of town so I went for a drive.
As I was driving along back roads of my neck of the woods, I stopped at a red-light and got the buzz from my phone that I had a new email.
FROM: Publisher
RE: Missing Submission.
Oh shit, here it is guys... it's either a pass or another fail.
I took a breath and opened it and the words blurred.
Now I screamed so loud I scared the guy in the lane beside me. He mouthed, Are you ok?
Oh hell yes, I'm ok. I was so ok I told everyone I met for the rest of the day. I scared my husband on the phone.
Guys, it's going to happen. It's really going to happen.
The Electrifying Exploits of the English Three has been contracted and will be published by Lyrical Press, Inc.